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Coffalyser.Net users are required to take action in order to continue using it uninterrupted after 31 May 2025. Different actions are required depending on your installed version (find out which version of Coffalyser.Net you have installed).
After following the renewal procedure your license will be valid until 31 May 2026. Extending your license is free of charge.
The procedure below requires sufficient network permissions to establish a connection with MRC Holland’s servers to automatically retrieve your renewed license. If this does not work for you, you can also renew your license manually.
Your license should now be valid until 31 May 2026, and you can continue to use Coffalyser.Net as usual.
About a year ago we released Coffalyser.Net v.240129.1959. The main reason was to update preconfigured versions of Microsoft SQL Server to 2022. Since Microsoft’s support for the previously bundled SQL Server 2014 SP3 ended in July 2024, there has been an increased risk of security and stability issues.
Updating is also required if you use a custom version of SQL Server. The update procedure will not update or replace custom servers. If your version of SQL Server is still supported by Microsoft, you can continue to use it without problems – even if it is an earlier version. If you use an outdated custom installation of SQL Server, the new version of Coffalyser.Net will warn you about this.
Coffalyser.Net v.240129.1959 does not include any changes to data analysis and results display as compared to v.220513.1739. We anticipate that updating is straightforward and does not require alterations to operating procedures. For a full list of changes, consult the release notes.